
Dear Parents!

To find all the items on our gear checklist and for help choosing the right gear for your kids, we have partnered with Outdoor School Shop - their website is www.outdoorschoolshop.com or shop our school gear page at:


Founded by mothers who support and have children in Outdoor Learning programs, they will be a resource for you, answering any questions you may have regarding what to purchase, how to layer, and the differences between brands and types of gear. They can help us on where you need to spend the money and where you can economize. And also, they are giving our parents 15% off when you shop the items in our school store. Use CODE: VIN whenever you checkout- unlimited uses

Due to the effects of the pandemic, there may be product delays and shortages this year, so shopping early and pre-booking with Outdoor School Shop is advised!

How to Dress for the Weather Guide

How to Dress for the Weahter Tips

Plants and Bugs

